
In honou of Karel Kryl
Arbroath Cliffs

Dear Friends,

       welcome to the official pages of Dobromysl and European Environmental and Arts Festival of Scotland.

       These provide an opportunity for you to view our projects, film festival, also to gain an insight into a „behind the scenes“ life of non-profit making organizations in Central and East-Central Europe and how they themselves attempt to contribute to the resolution of both national and international problems.

       We trust that you will wholeheartedly embrace our Festival, which might then perhaps awaken your deep-seated human longing to become part of the struggle for justice and peace for all the nations of the world.

       We hope that you might resolve to stride through life as purposefully as possible; that you might embrace your innermost potential to influence national events and‘ in conjunction with others, the global economy, which impacts so directly on human lives everywhere. Let us all in our homelands speak out about the ecological problems with which mankind so selfishly continues to burden Mother Earth.

       We wish that you find new strength for this personal transformation. Indeed, our hearts tell us that we will succeed in addressing you and your soul so that you may embrace a new attitude towards human life and share the responsibility for future generations.

                         With many thanks

Tomáš Čabla

    www.indiannet.eu     email: indiannet@indiannet.eu     © 2016