Fish On'

Niglas Liivo / Estonia / 2008 / 60 min.

The Klamath River of Oregon and Clifornia is one of the most important salomon runs in the United States. While diminished over the past 100 years, it still supports an abindance of life and diverse economies struggling over its future course. This is a film about the Indian tribes of the river ecosystem- what the Klamath means to them and how they draw on traditional and modern resources to restore its strenght, beauty and balance. The film focuses on the Klamath River and the Indian tribes of the lowers basin- the Yurok, Hoopa, and Karuk. Yet this story has implications for any number of river ecosystem and indigenous peoples around the world. Through the Indian tribes of the Lower Klamath, the film remindsus how the health of a people and the health of its lands are integrally linked.

Matsalu Nature Film Festival 2008, Estonia- Special Mention

Wednesday 10th June
Volunteer Centre Angus
32-34 Guthrie Port

Ecology Film

Production Company
Niglas Liivo