Go to Louisa / Idz do Luizy

Grzegorz Pacek / Poland / 200? / ? min.

Although Apartheid officially has been history now for more than ten years, the power relations in South-Africa have not changed: The white man rules, the black smiles and obeys, or obeys at least. Polish Grzegorz Pacek’s documentary Go to Louisa paints two portraits of colonial dominance today. It focuses on a cosmopolitan and industrial entrepreneur of a Polish origin, Stach, and his former employee Andreas.

Go to Louisa presents a way of life that should be history by now. One would wish, perhaps naively, that however different backgrounds people may have, we all would aim at respect and dignity. Support, security and guidance in attaining them everyone seeks for in their own way – from money, faith or relationships. What the right way to act would be or what respect really means?


Human Rights

Production Company
Muzeum Kinematografii
pl.Zwyciestwa 1
90 312
tel: +48 042 674 09 57
fax: +48 042 674 90 06