The Future of Yesterday / El futuro del ayer

Tamara Milosevic / Germany / 2008 / 52 min.

Pueblo Textil is a sleepy little town in the west of Cuba.In the revolutionary amosphere os the 1970s the authorities luilt a new textile plant here which was meant to become a schowcase og communist Coba. However, with the collapse of the socialistbloc zears of plenty have been foloowd by years of poverty.This film portrays everyday life in a town living a kind of life after death. Revolutionary slogans have faded as have former glories, the only evidence of which today is half-empty blocks of flats and sad memories. Retired mechanic Modesto, who worked in the local texitle factory all his life, shakes hjis head as he remembers the old days wistfully. He dreams that some day the food times will return to Pueblo Textil. The zouth of the town, however, have different dreams. Twelve-year-old Giselles, for instance, may salute the hoisting of the Cuban flag and parrot revolutionary slogans, bust she dreams of one day leaving her hometown and seeing the world.


Human Rights

Production Company
Tamara Milosevic
104 07 Berlin
tel: +49 (0) 171 823 16 63