Brand New world / Brand New world

Ewan Jones-Morris, Andrzej Wójcik / Poland / 2005 / 56 min.

Aldous Huxley wrote the novel Brave New World in 1932, within which he prophesized a future where people would surrender their freedom for a state of enforced happiness.

Worried that this 'utopia' may already be upon us, two filmmakers set out to find out if television and advertising are the hypnopaedia that Huxley warned of.
In a final attempt to clarify the situation the filmmakers search for an equivalent to the novels John the Savage, someone who has attempted to find freedom in solitude...


Human Rights

Production Company
Muzeum Kinematografii
pl.Zwyciestwa 1
90 312
tel: +48 042 674 09 57
fax: +48 042 674 90 06