After Us the Heavens Can Fall / Apres nous le deluge

David Marin / France / 2006 / 52 min.

Humanity had realised, in two century, important cantity of carbons that nature had made millions years to sedimentate.
The defference modelisation of climat change let us discover the conserquences who appear in horrizont, espoecialy in terms of vegetal migration, human migration and parasites.

Faced with the facts, what objectives do we need to set ourselves in order to attein sustainbale development ?
Will our economic system allow us to reach these goals?

Shloud we accept the situation and be pessimistic ?



Production Company
Blue bird production
23 boulevard bertier
Paris 750 17
Tel.: 0033 147 667 855
Fax: 0033 140 541 701
bluebirdprod @